Model W 16V32
Power 8.960 kW
Fuel Type Diesel Marine Oil / Heavy Oil
Consumption at 100% load

(Diesel / Heavy Oil)

(1.990 / 1.688)  litros / h
Speed 720 rpm
Dimensions (W H L) 3020 x 3955 x 8060 mm
Weight 71,1 t

6 engines model 16V32 from the manufacturer Wartsila.

The motors are compact and can be transported on skids, which makes their installation very convenient and fast, reducing installation costs and optimizing space in the network.

This engine model is capable of producing up to 8.96 MW and can run on marine diesel oil and also heavy oil as fuel.

It is also possible to convert these engines to use natural gas as fuel. Basically, this involves replacing the cylinder heads, pistons, liners and turbochargers, and machining the engine block, increasing its diameter, which would turn the engine into a W 16V34SG model.

Wartsila W 16V32 engines were manufactured in 2013 and have not been used. They are kept in our facilities.

The engines had an inspection in (November 2017), including the combustion chambers through the bores, certifying that the engines are in good condition.

The motors are in working order, however, additional equipment is required, which will depend on the mode of operation, the load being driven and the location of the installation:
-Pump for the fuel supply system
-Pump for the oil lubrication system
-Pump for cooling system
-Radiator or heat exchanger
-Exhaust and silencer
-Turbo compressor